Clientelism in Everyday Latin American Politics
This book improves understandings of how and why clientelism endures in Latin America and why state policy is often ineffective. Political scientists and sociologists, the contributors employ ethnography, targeted interviews, case studies, within-case and regional comparison, thick descriptions, and process tracing.
Violence in Latin America and the Caribbean
Violence in Latin America and the Caribbean is no longer perpetrated primarily by states against their citizens, but by a variety of state and non-state actors struggling to control resources, territories, and populations. This book examines violence at the subnational level to illuminate how practices of violence are embedded within subnational configurations of space and clientelistic networks. In societies shaped by centuries of violence and exclusion, inequality and marginalization prevail at the same time that democratization and neoliberalism have decentralized power to regional and local levels, where democratic and authoritarian practices coexist. Within subnational arenas, unique configurations - of historical legacies, economic structures, identities, institutions, actors, and clientelistic networks - result in particular patterns of violence and vulnerability that are often strikingly different from what is portrayed by aggregate national-level statistics.
Identidade, Território e Política no contexto da violência na América latina e no Caribe
Este livro é resultado do workshop “Clientelismo e Violência na América Latina e no Caribe”, realizado emdezembro de 2013, na Universidade de Carleton, Ottawa, Canadá. O workshop e o livro foram financiados pelo Social Sciences andHumanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Connection Grant. O livro reúne as contribuições de estudiosos de diversos países da região da América Latina e do Caribe que, com exceção dos acadêmicos canadenses Macdonald, Mayer e Hilgers, são também profissionais atuantes nos países pesquisados. Os capítulos são baseados em suas pesquisas acadêmicas e políticas,combinadas com o profundo conhecimento prático a respeitodas populações e dos territórios analisados. Jorge Luiz Barbosa, Ana Thereza Barbosa, Raquel Willadino, Rodrigo Nascimentoe Eduardo Alves, fazem parte da equipe e do corpo diretivo do Observatório de Favelas, instituição sediada na cidade do Rio deJaneiro, Brasil; Horace Levy é membro-fundador da Iniciativade Gestão da Paz (Peace Management Initiative), Jamaica; e Iván Darío Ramírez é membro-fundador da Corporación Mandala Porla Vida y el Territorio em Medellín, Colômbia.
Labor Politics in Latin America: Democracy and Worker Organization in the Neoliberal Era
In recent decades, Latin American countries have sought to modernize their labor market institutions to remain competitive in the face of increasing globalization. This book evaluates the impact of such neoliberal reforms on labor movements and workers’ rights in the region through comparative analyses of labor politics in Chile, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, and Venezuela. Using these five key cases, the authors assess the capacity of workers and working-class organizations to advance their demands and bring about a more just distribution of economic gains in an era in which capital has reasserted its power on a global scale. In particular, their findings challenge the purported benefits of labor market flexibility—the freedom of employers to adjust their workforces as needed—which has been touted as a way to reduce income inequality and unemployment.
Reproduction and Its Discontents in Mexico
In this history of childbirth and contraception in Mexico, Nora E. Jaffary chronicles colonial and nineteenth-century beliefs and practices surrounding conception, pregnancy and its prevention, and birth. Tracking Mexico’s transition from colony to nation, Jaffary demonstrates the central role of reproduction in ideas about female sexuality and virtue, the development of modern Mexico, and the growth of modern medicine in the Latin American context.
The Government of Beans: Regulating Life in the Age of Monocrops
The Government of Beans is about the rough edges of environmental regulation, where tenuous state power and blunt governmental instruments encounter ecological destruction and social injustice. At the turn of the twenty-first century, Paraguay was undergoing dramatic economic, political, and environmental change due to a boom in the global demand for soybeans. Although the country's massive new soy monocrop brought wealth, it also brought deforestation, biodiversity loss, rising inequality, and violence. Kregg Hetherington traces well-meaning attempts by bureaucrats and activists to regulate the destructive force of monocrops that resulted in the discovery that the tools of modern government are at best inadequate to deal with the complex harms of modern agriculture and at worst exacerbate them.
Dias Felix, Annabelle, and Hilgers, Tina. 2020. “Community Oriented Policing Theory and Practice: Global Policy Diffusion or Local Appropriation?” Policing & Society, online first DOI 10.1080/10439463.2020.1776280.
Hetherington, K. 2020. The Government of Beans: Regulating Life in the Age of Monocrops. Durham: Duke University Press
Hilgers, Tina. 2020. “Security, Resilience, and Participatory Urban Upgrading in Latin America and the Caribbean.” Development & Change, 51(5): 1246-1270.
Hilgers, Tina. 2020. “Comparing Clientelisms” in Olaf Kaltmeier, Anne Tittor, Daniel Hawkins, and Eleonora Rohland (eds) The Routledge Handbook to the Political Economy and Governance of the Americas. London: Routledge.Andion, Carolina, Rubens Lima Moraes and Aghata Gonsalves GONSALVES, A. K. R. 2019. “Sociedade civil e inovação social em arenas públicas no Brasil: qual incidência na mudança social e política” pp. 81—117. In Rodrigo Cantu, Sayonara Leal, Diogo Silva Correa, Laura Chartian. (Org.). Sociologia, critica e pragmatismo: diálogos entre Franca e Brasil. Campinas: Pontes.
Hilgers, Tina. 2018. “Gestión” in Alena Ledeneva (ed.) Global Encyclopaedia of Informality. London: UCL Press.
Hilgers, Tina, and Jorge Luiz Barbosa (eds). 2017. Identidade, território e política no contexto de violência na América latina. Riode Janeiro: Observatório de Favelas.
Hilgers, Tina, and Laura Macdonald (eds). 2017. Violence in Latin America and the Caribbean: Subnational Structures, Institutions, and Clientelistic Networks. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Posner, Paul W., Viviana Patroni, and Jean François Mayer. Labor Politics in Latin America: Democracy and Worker Organizationin the Neoliberal Era. University Press of Florida, 2018.
Andion, Carolina, Luciana Ronconi, Rubens Lima Moraes, Aghata Gonsalves, and Lilian Brum Duarte Davi. 2017. "Civil society and social innovation in the public sphere: a pragmatist analysis" Submitted to Revista de Administração Pública (RAP) 51, no. 3, pp. 369-87.
Andion, Carolina, Rubens Lima Moraes, Aghata Gonsalves. 2017. “Civil society organizations and social innovation. How and to what extent are they influencing social and political change?” CIRIEC-España, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa 90, pp. 81-110.
Hilgers, Tina, and Jorge Luiz Barbosa (eds). 2017. Identidade, território e política no contexto de violência na América latina. Rio de Janeiro: Observatório de Favelas.
Hilgers, Tina, and Laura Macdonald (eds). 2017. Violence in Latin America and the Caribbean: Subnational Structures, Institutions, and Clientelistic Networks. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Hilgers, Tina, and Laura Macdonald. 2017. “As variações da violência: espaço subnacional, identidade e imersão” in Tina Hilgers and Jorge Luiz Barbosa (eds). Identidade, território e política no contexto de violência na América latina. Rio de Janeiro: Observatorio de Favelas.
Hilgers, Tina, and Laura Macdonald. 2017. “How Violence Varies: Subnational Place, Identity, and Embeddedness” in Tina Hilgers and Laura Macdonald (eds) Violence in Latin America and the Caribbean: Subnational Structures, Institutions, and Clientelistic Networks. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Hilgers, Tina, and Laura Macdonald. 2017. “Learning from Subnational Violence” in Tina Hilgers and Laura Macdonald (eds) Violence in Latin America and the Caribbean: Subnational Structures, Institutions, and Clientelistic Networks. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Moraes, Rubens Lima, Carolina Andion, and Josiani Lucia Pinho. 2017. "Cartography of controversies in the public arena of electoral corruption in Brazil" Cadernos EBAPE.BR (Fundação Getúlio Vargas) 15, no. 4, pp. 846-76.
Hilgers, Tina. 2017. “Apresentação” in Tina Hilgers and Jorge Luiz Barbosa (eds). Identidade, território e política no contexto de violência na América latina. Rio de Janeiro: Observatorio de Favelas.
Barreto, Letícia Cardoso e Cássia Reis Donato. 2016. “Tráfico de pessoas em Minas Gerais, Brasil: Reflexões sobre o Caso Conceição do Mato Dentro”, pp. 9-33 in Monica Prates Conrado, Caroline Costa Bernardo, Ruth Santos e Matheus Passos Silva, orgs. Prostituição, Tráfico e Exploração Sexual de Crianças: Diálogo Multidisciplinar. Brasília/Lisboa: Vestnik. ISBN: 978-85-67636-18-4.
Donato, Cássia Reis. 2016. “Proteção, Promoção e Reparação dos Direitos das Mulheres”, 86 p. Coleção Cadernos de Direitos Humanos: Cadernos Pedagógicos da Escola de Formação em Direitos Humanos de Minas Gerais. Belo Horizonte: Marginália Comunicação. ISBN: 978-85-68743-09-6.
Donato, Cássia Reis. 2016. Guia de Prevenção Social às Violências e Criminalidades, 112 p, Brasília: Ministério da Justiça.
Jaffary, N.E. 2016. Reproduction and Its Discontents in Mexico: Childbirth and Contraception from 1750 to 1905. UNC Press Books.
Mayer, Jean François. 2016. "The Limits of Labor Legislation Reforms: Rigidity, Growth, and Employment in Brazil (1995–2010)." Journal of Politics in Latin America 8(1): 95-127.
Mayer, Jean François. 2016. "Violência e Trabalho: o caso das empregadas domésticas no Brasil." In Tina Hilgers, Jorge Luiz Barbosa, and Laura Macdonald, eds, A violência na América Latina e no Caribe. Rio de Janeiro: Observatório de Favelas.